St. Peter Line Timetable 2020

Last Updated

St. Peter Line's M/S Princess Anastasia makes a circle around the Baltic Sea in a two-week rotation throughout the year. During this two-week rotation it is possible to visit Saint Petersburg visa-free from Helsinki. In addition, M/S Princess Anastasia stops in the following cities:

  • Saint Petersburg to Tallinn
  • Tallinn
  • Stockholm
  • Helsinki

The rotation is generally: Saint Petersburg → Tallinn → Stockholm → Helsinki → Saint Petersburg → Helsinki → Saint Petersburg → Helsinki → Tallinn → Stockholm → Helsinki → Saint Petersburg → Helsinki → Saint Petersburg → Helsinki → Saint Petersburg.

This unique schedule gives the only regular passenger ferry service between Helsinki and Saint Petersburg, as well as from Saint Petersburg to Tallinn. In addition, the services between Tallinn, Stockholm and Helsinki offer a nice alternative to the other popular operators.

M/S Princess Anastasia 2020 Schedule

The general cruise schedule, which applies for most of the year, is shown below.

Day Dates (day-month) Route Depart Arrive
1 (Monday) 23-3, 6-4, 20-4, 18-5, 6-1, 15-6, 29-6, 13-7, 27-7, 10-8, 24-8, 6-9 Saint Petersburg to Tallinn 19.00 9.00
2 (Tuesday) 24-3, 7-4, 21-4, 19-5, 6-2, 16-6, 30-6, 14-7, 28-7, 11-8, 25-8, 7-9 Tallinn to Riga 18.30 9.30
3 (Wednesday) 25-3, 8-4, 22-4, 20-5, 6-3, 17-6, 1-7, 15-7, 29-7, 12-8, 26-8, 8-9 Stockholm to Helsinki 17.30 11.30
4 (Thurday) 26-3, 9-4, 23-4, 21-5, 6-4, 18-6, 2-7, 16-7, 30-7, 13-8, 27-8, 9-9 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 19.00 9.00
5 (Friday) 27-3, 10-4, 24-4, 22-5, 6-5, 19-6, 3-7, 17-7, 31-7, 14-8, 28-8, 10-9 Saint Petersburg to Tallinn 19.00 8.00
6 (Saturday) 28-3, 11-4, 25-4, 23-5, 6-6, 20-6, 4-7, 18-7, 1-8, 15-8, 29-8, 11-9 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 18.00 9.00
7 (Sunday) 29-3, 12-4, 26-4, 24-5, 7-6, 21-6, 5-7, 19-7, 2-8, 16-8, 30-8, 12-9 Saint Petersburg to Tallinn 18.00 7.00
8 (Monday) 30-3, 13-4, 27-4, 25-5, 8-6, 22-6, 6-7, 20-7, 3-8, 17-8, 31-8, 13-9 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 8.30 12.30
8 (Monday) 30-3, 13-4, 27-4, 25-5, 8-6, 22-6, 6-7, 20-7, 3-8, 17-8, 31-8, 13-9 Tallinn to Riga 18.30 9.30
9 (Tuesday) 31-3, 14-4, 28-4, 12-5, 26-5, 9-6, 23-6, 7-7, 21-7, 4-8, 18-8, 31-8, 14-9 Stockholm to Helsinki 17.30 11.30
10 (Wednesday) 1-4, 15-4, 29-4, 13-5, 27-5, 10-6, 24-6, 8-7, 22-7, 5-8, 19-8, 1-9, 15-9 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 19.00 9.00
11 (Thursday) 2-4, 16-4, 14-5, 28-5, 11-6, 25-6, 9-7, 23-7, 6-8, 20-8, 2-9, 16-9 Saint Petersburg to Tallinn 19.00 8.00
12 (Friday) 3-4, 17-4, 15-5, 29-5, 26-6, 10-7, 24-7, 7-8, 21-8, 3-9, 17-9 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 18.00 9.00
13 (Saturday) 4-4, 18-4, 16-5, 30-5, 27-6, 11-7, 25-7, 8-8, 22-8, 4-9, 18-9 Saint Petersburg to Tallinn 19.00 8.00
14 (Sunday) 5-4, 19-4, 17-5, 31-5, 28-6, 12-7, 26-7, 9-8, 23-8, 5-9, 19-9 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 18.00 9.00

Please note that all times are local, and that sailings are subject to change depending on the operator.

During the period 30.04.2020 - 14.05.2020, Riga is also added to the list as a stop. Schedule variations are shown here.

M/S Princess Anastasia 2020 Schedule

Date Route Depart Arrive
April 30, 2020 Saint Petersburg to Tallinn 19.00 9.00
May 01, 2020 Tallinn to Riga 16.00 10.30
May 02, 2020 Riga to Stockholm 16.30 11.30
May 03, 2020 Stockholm to Helsinki 17.30 11.30
May 04, 2020 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 19.00 9.00
May 05, 2020 Saint Petersburg to Tallinn 19.00 9.00
May 06, 2020 Tallinn to Riga 18.30 9.30
May 07, 2020 Stockholm to Helsinki 17.30 11.30
May 08, 2020 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 19.00 9.00
May 09, 2020 Saint Petersburg to Tallinn 19.00 9.00
May 10, 2020 Tallinn to Riga 16.00 10.30
May 11, 2020 Riga to Stockholm 16.30 11.30
May 12, 2020 Stockholm to Helsinki 17.30 11.30
May 13, 2020 Helsinki to Saint Petersburg 19.00 9.00

Please note that all times are local, and that sailings are subject to change depending on the operator.

M/S Princess Anastasia 2020 Schedule

Below you will find the current cruise schedule for St. Peter Lines in 2020. Trip rows which are highlighted are eligible for the Visa Free cruise program from Helsinki to Saint Petersburg. Generally, any St. Peter Line return trip from Helsinki to Saint Petersburg within 72 hours can be booked as a "Visa Free" cruise.

Date Route Depart Arrive

Please note that all times are local, and that sailings are subject to change depending on the operator.

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